with you hamesha - 1800-547-0086
with you hamesha - 1800-547-0086 

After Sales Support

After Sales Support

To deliver our promise of world class customer support, Mahindra Construction Equipment has continued to invest in a comprehensive network of dealers who really deliver the support you need.

Mahindra Construction Equipment dealers understand that this is a business about relationships, as well as machines. We aim for customer satisfaction every time, and understand that this means supporting the machine throughout its life.

Mahindra Construction Equipment along with our dealerships AIMS to ensure minimum downtime of your machines by -

  • 60+ Dealers across India
  • 200+ Sale Executives
  • 150+ Trained Service Engineers
  • Sevice vans

"Our Strategy is to deliver the best customer support in our industry- putting the customer at the very heart of our business."
