Construction Equipment Assessment Tips – Motor Graders
Construction equipments are know to be a pricey affair and investment and the motor grader is no exception to it. It goes without staying that the graders require adequate maintenance and care to ensure that the machine pays for itself and starts earning profits in the shortest possible time. While not everyone can afford a new machine, even old machines in good conditions can prove to be quite a boon if assessed properly before buying it. While these sophisticated machines are not rocket science, they do require assessment by a trained eye. Here are some of our assessment tips that will help you make the most of your machine.
It starts with the frame: A sturdy frame is a must have for any kind of heavy duty construction equipment. The motor grader is no exception to this. Always check the frame for strength and stability before considering buy the machine in question. As a matter of fact, especially when it comes to buying second hand machines, one must ensure that there arent any fish plates on the machine. Fishplates are usually welded behind cracks to distribute the load around and away from the cracked part. An in case there are fishplates present, ensure that a professional welder has done the job to ensure maximum life of the said part requiring the fishplate.
Circle right: Mouldboards that function as the prime grading part of the machine are usually fixed with the circle of the grader. The circle has to be maintained properly for the machine to carry out a good grading job on the site. Any issues in the alignment in terms of the positioning and or angle will make it difficult for the operator to carry out a fine grading job. The circle should be checked for any marks of irregular wear to ensure that the machine has not been abused by the operator. the pin gear teeth will end up with an irregular abrade if the circle is lined up incorrectly. Using shims can reduce and even bar upright play resulting from rough wear in an appropriately lined circle.
Moldboard does it: A Moldboard is a prime part of a motor grader and at the front line when grading a job site. it goes without saying that a good moldboard in a good condition is required when using or assessing a machine. Ensure that the board is free of any cracks and repairs. It is particularly important to ensure that there is no wear and tear to the top and the bottom of the moldboard. The cutting edge bolts should be checked that all of them are present and levelled. The side rails at the top of the moldboard must be level and free of any kind of damage.
Articulation point and linkages: Abrades to the articulation points will highly depend on the surroundings that the motor grader was used in. Rocky terrain and rough grounds make for harsher abrades as compared to that of smoother grounds.So check for abrades if any and its extent. Next come the linkage system that need checking. The linkage system should be checked moving towards the obverse of the motor grader to check for damage. Additionally even the frame should be checked for damage due to pressure and strain. Next up are the tyres that need to be checked for leaning and turning for any kind of damage in addition to checking the directing modules.
Hydraulics are king: Hydraulics are some of the most integral parts in all sorts of construction equipment and the motor grader is no exception. The hydraulics should first be checked visually for any damage, leak or blockage. Leaks are usually visible as a dirty layer alongside the hydraulics. The next thing on the list os to check under the grader. If there is a leak or damage to the hydraulics, you will most likely find proof when you look under. If none is found it can be pretty safe to assume that any massive damage or leaks are highly unlikely. Once the hydraulics are done, one should check the cylinders, lines and hoses for any signs of damage or leak. Any leaks in the hydraulic system can affect the machine’s performance drastically. Any damage or leaks will have to be noted for repair before using the machine further.
As a rule of thumb, machines that are regularly assed and maintained do not require much work or expenditure for the machine to perform. Having trained and experienced operators use the machine, storing it safe from environmental factors, making repairs when the issues are small will all prove to be very beneficial in the long run. It will not only have the machine work well but also fetch a good price when being sold off.