The Role and Importance of Rural Infrastructure in India and Mahindras contribution to it
In any country, infrastructure plays a very important role in supporting nation’s economic growth and India is no different. Typically, rural infrastructure assumes great importance in India because of the country’s predominantly rural nature and the crucial linkages of rural infrastructure to economic growth, poverty alleviation and human development as a whole in the country. In fact, as per Census 2011, there are 6.4 lakh villages in India, which shelter more than two-third of the countrys population. In such a scenario, the role and importance of rural infrastructure in India cannot be negated.
It is to be noted that rural infrastructure encompasses irrigation, rural housing, rural water supply, rural electrification and rural telecommunication connectivity.
The role and importance of rural infrastructure in India
In general, rural infrastructure can provide basic amenities that improve the quality of life of the rural people. It is also very crucial for agriculture and agro-industries. For example, development of rural infrastructure can lead to improved access to market centres for the rural producers, better availability of inputs and raw materials at reduced prices and improved mobility.
If we talk about the rural road infrastructure, then it can provide mobility and connectivity to more than 800 million people living in rural areas. Further, better network of rural roads can provide a boost to the agricultural activities by making water, seeds and other raw materials needed for farming reach in time to the farmer. Rural roads can also provide better connectivity, thereby, enhancing employment opportunities too in the non-agriculture sector as masses can move freely from one place to another. Rural roads can also ensure that the rural areas are served with better public services and all the benefits offered by the state reach the far-flung areas easily. Thus, overall, rural road infrastructure can help in eradicating poverty in rural areas as it can provide better livelihood to people and better access to education and health services and other basic services.
Further, rural electrification infrastructure can very well cater to the requirements of agriculture and other activities including irrigation pumpsets, small and medium industries, khadi and village industries, cold storage chains, healthcare, education and rural IT. Moving ahead, rural water supply system infrastructure can lead to sustainability of systems and sources and tackle the problem of water quality, thereby, increase good health of people. As for rural housing infrastructure, it can improve the living standard of the people.
Various studies clearly show that development of rural power, irrigation, water, sanitation and road infrastructure can increase productivity, savings, income and tourism and result in better jobs and health of rural people. Thus, better infrastructure has the potential to promote overall growth of the rural community and impact the country’s economy as well.
Realising this, there has been an increased focus on developing rural infrastructure in past few years, resulting in an increase of construction equipment demand. This has led to growth of many indigenous construction equipment manufacturers in the country. Of all the names, one company with its state-of-the-art yet affordable construction equipment that has highly contributed in the rural infrastructure development in the country is Mahindra Construction Equipment (MCE).
Mahindra’s contribution
MCE offers Mahindra EarthMaster backhoe loaders and RoadMaster G75 motor graders which are the most affordable and incomparable indigenous equipment in the country at the present that meet all the rural infrastructure development needs. The two equipment are highly affordable as compared to the other imported machinery, very productive and suited to work in any environment and terrain of the country. The two equipment offer cutting edge features using the latest vehicle systems and technologies at prices that are within reach of the mass market. They are manufactured at Mahindra’s state-of-the-art manufacturing facility at Chakan, Pune.
Both the equipment have undergone extensive hours of rigorous testing in the harshest of terrains and for the toughest of applications. They have been validated on all performance, safety and reliability parameters.
Here is a look at few of the features and innovations that have been incorporated in MCE’s equipment...
1. Improved mechanics for better productivity: The two equipment are backed by powerful engines. Both the machines and its variants are equipped with Mahindra DITEC engine which help save the fuel and results in more savings. Hence, the two equipment are highly fuel-efficient and lead to increased productivity and profitability for the owners.
2. Increased intelligence: The revolutionary REMOTECARE feature of Mahindra EarthMaster, allows you to get complete control over your business and manage it at your comfort. It is an intelligent communication system that keeps the business owner or manager constantly informed about the machine through mobile phone based SMS updates. Be it business information like daily work reports or warnings like low fuel, filter clogging, engine oil pressure, customers can get constant updates about their Mahindra EarthMaster. Since this is preventative in nature, it helps prevent major breakdowns. On the other hand, RoadMaster G75 also comes with GPRS-based remote monitoring system DigiSense that keeps a track of your machine with the touch of a finger.
3. Improved systems for effortless operations: Both the equipment from MCE come with joystick controls or ride control systems to manoeuvre the complex system to make heavy duty work seem much easier and effortless than it actually is. A joystick makes for accurate and smooth power control and also enhances efficiency. These features have positive effects on the operation speeds, flow rates, engine power and engine overloading or stalling.
4. Improved convenience and comfortability: Last but not the least, the two equipment are made comfortable too and are easy-to-use and operate. They ensure maximum operator comfort and have ergonomic layout and seating.
Thus, the two equipment from MCE are loaded with technology not hitherto seen in respective product segment in India. Mahindra EarthMaster and RoadMaster G75 have thus, given rise to a new era of performance, comfort and ease of operation in the respective segment.
In addition, Mahindra EarthMaster and RoadMaster G75 are environment-friendly and cost-effective equipment without compromising on quality and overall productivity, so that even small and medium players can buy it.
To sum up...
Given that rural infrastructure has a very important role to play in India, there has been increased focus on it in the form of rural roads, houses, electrification projects and irrigation facilities and this is gradually demanding more indigenous construction equipment that are fit to be used in the Indian scenario. Well, MCE has realised this need and is making its complete contribution in this regard by offering Mahindra EarthMaster and RoadMaster G75.